Sunday, January 30, 2005


Lonesome today! E is in Chincoteague, getting materials in place for Frank to fix some structural damage and do flooring. It sucks to come home from a long time in France and not have anyone home... I'll survive, though. Next week I go back for 2 weeks. I wish things would get settled at work so I know what will happen.

E and I should end up in France for a year or better. Existing accounts, help for SpectraLIMS, OMYA, and fixing new screw-ups should provide something to pass the time!

Dan, Heather, Lauren, and Jon - 28th anniversary Posted by Hello

28 years

Jim and E - 28th anniversary Posted by Hello

Catching up

There are a lots of things I have been thinking about over the years. Up until now they have been collected in a series of documents. Perhaps they belong here in a more "permanent" place.
  • What is life in America like?
  • How much New Jersey sucks.
  • How does age discrimination happen?
  • Why are many people stupid?
  • Why do we have garlic dreams?
  • Why do Americans seek vanilla, life-denying places to live?
  • Is the grass greener elsewhere, or just different?
  • Why can we not do research as a job?
  • Where do the differences in our children come from?
I have a series of document that I'll place here. They are in a state of development.