Finally I looked them up. This is the seed of a burr oak. It has a huge range, according to Wikipedia. It is found in the Appalachians and in central North America from Texas to Canada. It is the state tree of Iowa. If you are ever starving, it looks like a few of these would make a meal (after preparation). Not that I am any great recognizer of trees, but I thought it strange that I hadn't seen these before.
Are they "odds" or "ends"? I'm pretty sure even George Carlin doesn't know.
The house is coming along. We are trying to do any decorating slowly, with quirky things that we find. All our tchotchkes are still in Virginia, awaiting a spring run in the cheese wagon. (Cheese wagon is what our girls called our various Plymouth/Dodge/Chrysler minivans. Our cheese wagons have always done good service dragging crap around. And by crap, I don't mean our girls.)
In one corner of the living room, over the TV, I have hung up a bit of history. Whose history I have no clue. We found these Gothic arch clerestory windows in a consignment shop. I liked the shapes, so I took them home. I also liked the fact they were rough-stripped. There was still a bit of paint left, kind of lumpy and rough. I found a bit of fabric and stretched it over the back, folding it every few inches. Then I hinged the three frames together.
I kind of like the light and shadow, 3-d look with the outer windows folded forward a bit. I think the roughness and the smooth fabric also make a nice contrast.
So, taking heart from this BH (Better Half) and I completed the bedroom with a curved-side headboard and a few of my favorite black and whites taken during our travels.
Have an enjoyable holiday.