We think the costume is this peach one. It is one of many being built for this year's march. Kind of skimpy???
The schedule of events is here. The road march is on 30-March, my birthday. Shame we will not be here to see it.
Danny and I got some drinks and circulated a little. Along the way I met these ladies. Ann, the lady on the right, is a practical nurse. She told me I must not worry about the violence in Jamaica. Her friend, Maryann, is looking for a husband, so let me know if you are single and interested.
This thing is really well sponsored. Of course Appleton is here.
They host little bars here and there on the grounds. This one is in the Carnival booth.
Elsewhere they offer all the rum you can drink for a few dollars. It is served up by the Appleton girls. Sometimes they get up on the table to dance and pour. They do not wear much, but they do not seem to get cold, either! They have lots of different kinds of juice with which to mix rum.
The sound for this event is really big. You can imagine the speakers (they are racked up 15 feet high). The booth is fairly complex, as you can see.
The night started off with the Coca Cola dancers. They did the dutty (dirty) wine (wind) with a lot of vigor.
It was a remarkable athletic display. They can even do the wine upside down!
Kingston beer is another sponsor. Bless their hearts, they cannot make beer for sh*t. But their dancing girls are very friendly. They are wearing kind of a Mas Camp uniform: short short shorts and a small top.
There are a lot of pretty girls around. Everybody is happy to have their picture taken.
This really seemed to be the way things were last night: the girls were very happy, the guys were skeptical to disapproving.
Except, of course, for Komar. He is one of the singers that backed Tanice at the Jazz Festival. He is always cheerful!
Eventually the stage show started up with Alison Hinds. It was a really good show, with lots of effects (confetti, steam, etc.) The crowd really went wild! You cannot imagine the looks of joy. Soca is really happy (and rude) music.
Flags and bandannas are a big part of the enjoyment. Some of the songs had the audience waving their bandannas back and forth.
Here is a girl happily dancing 'pon' her guy. She and her buddies were passing through the crowd while the singing was going on. She was jumping up and down and dancing on her guy, who kept looking at her skeptically. One of the guys in the crowd had a big grin on his face, just enjoying it as it happened. I smiled, too, then turned my back to go get drinks with Danny. Just as I turned away the girl gave me a couple of bumps on my rear, then disappeared into the crowd.
We left as the place closed, around 2AM or so. Then we went to Quad. I had never been to the other floors there. Danny and I went up, looking for a girl Danny had met at Mas Camp. We never found her. The floors are huge and the sound systems loud. Floor two has a "disco" sort of place with a huge crowd. A lot of the Mas Camp people come here afterwards to continue dancing. We also looked at the third floor, which was pretty deserted (and also very loud). Around 3:30AM we gave it up and went home. Thankfully the Mas Camp rum had worn off by then.
We got in at 4AM. I woke up by 8:30, then slept from noon to 6:30PM. Refreshed now, but damaged!
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