Thursday, October 01, 2009

Escape from New Jersey - the ahhhhh moment

Today we walked first thing (not really, we didn't get started until 9:30 or so). We went over to the beach, which was almost entirely deserted, cool and intermittently sunny. The water was still kind of warm!

It was a good morning to walk. There has been a storm, and the beach was a bit littered with the jetsam of the day. There were a ton of spent horseshoe crabs, most were kind of dilapidated. Some like this one, were in good shape but not moving.

The only people around besides us were the fishermen and women. Esther watched the line here so she didn't get caught.

I felt better than I had in days. What a relief to be DONE.

I took a few pictures, but at the time entirely missed the contents of the following one. This poor gull had a buoy attached to it by some kind of line!

1 comment:

  1. I love the first picture and still very jealous of you guys. Make sme want to retire now.
    Like that is going to happen anytime soon :(
