Their sign is not very obvious and they are a little out of the way, but worth the try!
There are quite a few choices, extended by the specials of the day. All of them are terrific! The dessert crepes are wonderful. We split two between the four of us. These are as good as (or better than) in France!
The service is not terribly quick, but the clientele sit peacefully (except for noise from the building site across the street - more $500K condos) and wait for their orders. They know how good the food will be.
This guys was snorking out his lunch hour while we waited.
There is some good people watching available. It seems to be predominantly moms and kids here, with an occasional dad.
No food porn available on this site. Everything disappears way too quickly for that!
This afternoon we drove out to Lake Travis (north and west of the city - maybe a 1/2 hour drive). Was this going or coming? Who can tell?
This is another Travis County Park - $8 per car. The limestone blocks are big. This little inlet is sheltered from boats and the wind. The park facilities are quite nice, with grills, picnic tables, restrooms, etc. There are shade trees, but one could wish for more shade over the blocks on the inlet. That would be a beautiful spot, but too hot today without shade.
The water was warm, but the wind blows a little hard for floaties to stay close to shore! The sun is pretty strong, so be careful.
Tonight, a free play ("Beauty and the Beast") at the Zilker Park theater. This ended up a better people watching experience than a musical theater event. The production numbers were good, but individual performances were spotty. In addition, latecomers forced their way into every crack, disrupting the viewing for those who had come early and found good spots. Here is a view of the stage (before it got ruined by newcomers). There are three or so tiers of naturally sloped land to allow a lot of people to watch the musical.
There are lots of pretty babies and young children. This baby's Mom shows the deepset eyes that seem to be common around here.
Lots of dogs are here as well.
This girl found the perfect spot in one of the old live oaks on the site. She was there until we left.
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