Saturday, June 26, 2010

Critters, Slobber Dog, and walks

FYD (favorite younger daughter and FSIL (favorite son-in-law) have been doing lots of yard work at their new house. Inevitably they have discovered some critters. It continues...

This little guy appeared to be a Texas Thread Snake (also called a Texas Blind Snake). They make their homes in loose soil and litter, attempting to hide and keep hydrated. A few days before we had come across one completely dried out on a sidewalk. Apparently it is quite easy for them to dehydrate.

So far we haven't seen any coral snakes, rattlers, copperheads, or water moccasins.

For now, the snakes and such are being relocated across a porous fence. Apparently you can't stop them anyway.

Weekends don't feel very different from other days for old, retired farts. Today, though, FYD thought it was time for some wiggling. Off we went to Emma Long Metropolitan Park, near Lake Austin. Even though it was at least 98 degrees we set out on a dog and people trail running along a stream.

It was all dry limestone rocks, cedar trees, and little pools.

The path crossed the creek again and again, sometimes on nice man-made pillars, sometimes via slippery limestone rocks.

There were lots of little rills, connecting the pools along the way.

At one stop we found a bunch of little toads hiding in the rocks.

Slobber Dog had a really good outing, racing back and forth in the water, sniffing the underbrush, racing around with other dogs,

and swimming. She may even have been more pooped than we were by the time we were done.

We saw tons of dogs, all sizes and shapes. We also saw all sizes and shapes of owners, as well. And finally, we saw this scuttling skink. It's not really a skink, but I like alliteration a lot. It is probably a Texas Spotted Whiptail Lizard. Whatever it was, we saw a lot of them, and they all disappeared fast.

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