After a short trip to Round Rock, we were back in the same shopping center to visit the giant-size Asian grocery for staples. The young people wanted rice paper wrappers for various dishes, and 20 lbs of jasmine rice. Better half (BH) wanted baby bok choy and ground pork. I found Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce (boy in the boat picture on the front), then I wanted freedom. Off I went to bake in the car, hearing drumming and clanging from the distant part of the parking lot.
After collecting FYD (favorite younger daughter), FSIL (favorite son-in-law) and BH (better half), we drove over to where the noise was coming from.
Amidst flags, drums and cymbals,
and dragon heads,
a bunch of young warriors were showing their stuff. One by one and in groups they did set pieces and mock battles. Most had weapons appropriate for battle.
They were spinning, jumping, slicing, dicing, and making pretend enemies miserable.
This guy was going so fast that his staff blurred at 1/250th second.
There was a lot of athleticism; this guy got caught in mid-kip-up.
This guy could have been break dancing, but he wasn't.
Then we were off for home and some rest. The 100 degree heat was a bit exhausting. Later on in the evening FYD and FSIL got going on some yard work. FYD poked her nose in the door to announce another critter. She told me it was the same kind as she found up her pant leg the other night, so I grabbed my camera and ran (slight exaggeration) out the back door.
Their yard work had unearthed a wolf spider with its egg sack.
It was wiggly, evening was approaching, and I was using a macro setting. I took a lot of pictures, but only a couple came out.
Great colors on the street show! And the wold spider was amazing. It's always fasnitating how little critters can be so long as they stay where they are and not on me!